Friday, February 10, 2012




Flamengo Kit 12/13 by HenriikeTW

Flamengo 12/13 by HenriikeTW

Manchester United New Kits by zezo the lo0ord

Manchester United New Kits by zezo the lo0ord

PES 2012 RPES 2012 vers. 1 by PESRomania

PES 2012 RPES 2012 vers. 1 by PESRomania

RPES 2012 vers. 1, contine printre altele loturi actualizate pentru toate echipele prezente in RPES, fete noi, Liga 1, Bundesliga si Bundesliga 2, precum si toate echipele licentiate.
Iata si mai jos continutul acestui patch:
• Loturi actualizate pentru toate echipele prezente in RPES 2012 (pentru prima parte a sezonului 11-12)
• Liga 1, Premier League, Serie A, La Liga, Ligue 1, Liga Sagres, Bundesliga, 2.Bundesliga, toate echipele din CL/EL.
• Multe Fete noi ( atat romanesti cat si din strainatate )
• Stats-uri realistice pentru toate echipele din joc
• Echipamente noi pentru toate echipele din joc.
• Ghete noi
• Mingi noi
• Structura reinnoita a repartizarii echipelor din Liga 1 in cupele Europene
• Foarte multe alte surprize ce le veti descoperi pe parcursul meciurilor, speram noi cat mai multe, ce urmeaza sa le disputati in nou patch marca PES Romania.
Mod de instalare
• Descarcati patch-ul de pe unul din link-urile de mai jos, recomandabil ABC Download;
• Dezarhivati arhiva descarcata, veti gasi acolo patch-ul RPES si un wallpaper PES Romania;
• Dezactivati antivirusul, este posibil ca antivirusul vostru sa detecteze fisierul RLD.DLL ca fiind virus, puteti sa lasati si antivirusul pornit, urmand sa bagati acesti fisier la exceptii in antivirusul vostru;
• Instalati patch-ul RPES (comanda RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR) pe jocul Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 CURAT;
• Pe Desktop va aparea iconita “RPES 2012 vers. 1″. Click pe iconita! Spor la joc!
Echipa PES Romania:
• Manuel Manzotti – fondator; webmaster, webdesigner, editare grafică, dj, editare audio, reclame electronice, meniu, instaler;
• Raulic – OF editor, editare kitserver, relink echipamente, relink fete, researcher, asamblare kitserver, chanturi;
• David – kit-maker, editare kitserver, researcher;
• PMC – PES stats maker;
• lex. – kit-maker
• Nuk3 – face-maker;
• Sleay – face-maker;
• Tygger14 – face-maker;
• Lorentz – face-maker;
• Ronaldinho – scoreboard, grafică, beta-tester;
• x.Cosmy – beta-tester;
• ionutz_v_D – beta-tester



- KONAMI Official Patch 1.0.3 compatible
- add chants for alahly and elzamlek
- add cairo stadium
– add the Egyptian League in 2012 full
– add world team and classic egypt
– add new kits 2012
– add new faces
– add hd intro and background
– add faces of coach (barca-realmadrid-man u-mancity-arsenal..)
– add new balls and boots
EGY PATCH V.2 BY WALID TITY [PES 2012] Download :


:::::::::::::::::::::::::::PATCH PTE 1.2 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

-Winter Transfers
-All teams with FM12 STATS
-500 New faces (relink and faceserver)
-Real faces for referee
-New Ballpack (Balpack 1.1)
-New kits
-Players under18 corrected (stats, faces 40%)
-Stadium Switch
-Chants (SLB, SCB, FCP, SCP, Guimarães, Ajax, PSV, Atl.Madrid, Barca, Real, Valencia,
Villareal, PSG, OM, Lyon, Lille, Bordeaux, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man.City,
Man.Utd, Tottenham, AC Milan, Roma, Inter, Juventus).
-Official music for leagues ZON Sagres, BBVA and EPL
-New adboards for stadiums
-Adboards to Liga Adelante and Championship
-New turfs with ads (Juventus Arena, Stadio Olimpico and Camp Nou)
-Supported Languages (PT-PT, PT-BR, NG)
-Bug fixes
::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PATCH PTE 1.1 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- UEFA Europa League place in the Libertadores (complete)
- New faces
- New graphics TEAM PTE
- New bootpack
- New Adboards
- New turf 
- New kits added
- Kit settings corrected
- Boots and accessories corrected
- ZON Sagres and Orangina with FM 12 Stats
- Real players in the youth team
- Improved stadium
- New function in the switch (change gloves GR)
- Other updates
- New videos menu on HD (optional installation)
::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PATCH PTE 1.0:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- Premier League
- Ligue 1
- Serie A
- Eredivisie
- League BBVA
- Liga Sagres ZON
- Bundesliga
- League Orangina - Adelante - Championship
- Teams updated
- Kits teams, national and training (GDB)
- Kits referee
- Kits staff (FL)
- Real logos for all competitions
- Real emblems for all teams
- Improved Graphics
- New Gloves
- New balls (Officials for all competitions)
- New boots (Full HD)
- New faces
- KONAMI adboards removed
- Adboards official
- Electronic adboards
- Sponsor on ML (FL)
- New sounds
- Champions League full
- Europa League full
- Libertadores unlocked
- New teams added
- Staff with real names (FL)
- Removed "fake players"
- Adelante and the Players Championship in "free players" when they play with Orangina
- Under 18 Players on ML mode (FM12 STATS) -::: Version 1:::
- SLB, FCP, SCP, Real Madrid and Barcelona - complete
- Milan, Inter, Ajax, Arsenal, Bayern, Boca, Lyon, Man Utd, Santos - better players
- Switch leagues, referees kits and scoreboards

Xtrem12 v.1.00 + Update 1.01

Xtrem12 v.1.00 + Update 1.01

Xtrem12 v.1.00 + Update 1.01
Information :
Auteur(s): Team
Date de Sortie: 04/02/2012
Description :
Compatible 100% ONLINE
No Blur
Tout les maillots de toutes les équipes / sélections
Ajout de la BundesLiga a la place de la ‘ PES League ‘
Ajout de la Ligue 2 a la place de la ‘ D2 League ‘ (17 équipes)
Ajout de la Team Pes-Soccer United en ‘ D2 League ‘
Ajout de deux clubs: Bate Borisov & Apoel Nicosie
Localisation sur les maps de toutes les équipes (Ligue 2 / BundesLiga etc…)
Emblèmes HD
Vrai noms d’équipes
Noms d’équipes et joueurs en Minuscule (ex: Rooney)
Couleurs Radar et Supporters pour toutes les équipes / sélection
Pack Chants Supporters
Patch Commentaire FIFA
Patch Hymnes nationaux
De nouveaux stades avec le stadium Editor
BallPack PS (13 nouveaux ballons)
Pack Adboards & StadiumBoard
Images de fond pour les avatars des données personnelles
Nouveau menu ‘Appuyer sur une Touche’
Chant des supporters lors d’un but d’un joueur (ex: Walcott)
Musique dans le stade lors d’un but pour quelques équipes
Nouvelles pelouses pour tout les stades & stadium editor
5 nouveaux stades (Stamford Bridge / Emirates Stadium / Vélodrome / Etihad Stadium / Parc des Princes)
Image des vraies coupes
Vrai trophée BAL
Sponsors FR Football Life
Scoreboard Pes-Soccer
Gant Gardien
Nouveaux Kit Arbitre
Vrai noms des joueurs (suppression des doublons)
Plein de nouvelles faces (200 ou plus…)
Tatouages pour pas mal de joueur
Filet Pes-Soccer
Smiley à la place des flèche dans le plan de formation
Vrai trophée pour la Coupe du Monde & la Copa América
Nouvelle typographie (police)
Tunnel d’entrée des joueurs
Barre de puissance avec barre indicateur (25%, 50% et 75%)
Smiley pour le plan de formation
Kit Pes-Soccer United avec la technologie Techfit

PES2012 PesStatsDatabase patch V4 08.02.2012

PES2012 PesStatsDatabase patch V4 08.02.2012
PSD stats (PesStatsDatabase)
Replaced Copa Cantander Libertadores with UEFA Europa League
Konami last update v1.03 & DLC 2.00
More then 400 new players and 800 faces
Updated transfers (02.02.2012.)
Added chants…
Updated & tweaked formations ( according to latest games team played )
Updated and reformed African Cup national selections
All teams, league and competition have correct balls, logos, emblems, kits… (everything is licensed)
Sony Playstation 3 pad and buttons
Replaced Replay logos…
No maps, no baners, no stadium commentary, no konami boots…
No blur
Replaced Konami stadium adboards and leds…
Added electronic adboards
Balls pack + HD (512×512) balls preview – updated balls
Blue scoreboard
Better lines on the grass + greener grass
Real stadiums names
Separated kitserver, exe and save
Gameplay is default 1.03
Premier League
Ligue 1
Serie A
Liga Zon Sagres
Npower Shampionship
Other Europa (42 teams)
Other Rest of the World (26 teams)
UEFA Champion League (all 32 teams)
UEFA Europa League (38 teams)
Patch Team:
(option file – PSD stats + faces)
(everything else)
Credits to:
(Color tool & GDB Face manager)
(PES Ultimate Data Explorer & PES2012 Ultimate Editor)
(PES 2012 Editor)
Michał Widzew
(Ball Changer & Boots Changer)
(No Blur)
Omar Ahmed
(Chants Expander & Relinker)
All facemaker from Evo-Web